Travels, Friendship and Upcoming Events

I write to you after a break that took me first to New York for some professional development, and then to the central coast of California for a family reunion. We had a wonderful time catching up, cooking, hiking in Big Sur, playing football with the boys, and in general recharging after the fast paced days that typify so many of our lives.

No Pain, No Gain – Parshat Vaera 5776

A 2012 study by a Polish university asked marathon runners several months after a race to recall the pain they had experienced when actually running the race. On average, the level of pain they reported after the race dropped by about 40%, regardless of how long after the race they were polled.

Different in 2016 – Parshat Shemot 5776

We live in an age in which our differences are both praised and feared. We are raising our children to celebrate uniqueness of character, belief, and self expression. At the same time, we’re quick to make judgement calls and assume the worst.