Hard to Believe – Parshat Vayigash 5776

Growing up watching the Tanner family on TV’s Full House, can you understand why I have mixed feelings about Netflix’s upcoming reboot of the series? Fuller House, which debuts February 26, follows the same format as the original, but with the kids now in the grown-up roles raising the next generation.

Food and Politics in a Complex World: Responsibly Feeding 7 Billion

I'd like to dedicate my column this week to some thoughts about kashrut and food. After all, whether or not we personally keep kosher, or what sort of kashrut we observe, it is a fundamental Jewish practice--one of our most defining spiritual disciplines. For most of our people's history, until the modern period of emancipation, it is probably safe to argue that most Jews kept kosher in one way or another.

Brother Against Brother – Parshat Miketz 5776

This week we commemorated the Japanese military strike on Pearl Harbor, which led to the United States’ entry into World War II. Among the many tragic events following that attack was the internment of people of Japanese ancestry living in the United States, the majority of whom were American citizens.

Dystopian History, Utopian Celebration

Most of us know that the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. Tonight, however, is Rosh Hodesh Hanukkah, and each new Jewish month is marked by a new moon. So between the short day and a dim night sky, tonight may well be the darkest night of the year.