Joy is the Antidote

This past week I came across a compelling quote penned by a Benedictine monk, David Steindl-Rast. “Joy is the kind of happiness that doesn't depend on what happens.”

Why I Signed State Petition 17 and 18. Why You Should Too.

We live in an age of hate. A couple of weeks back, we dealt with attacks against the Jewish and Muslim communities here in Portland. This past week has continued to shock and dishearten us. In Laguna Woods, California, a Chinese émigré to America entered a Taiwanese church killing one and injuring five. The death toll would have been far higher if not for heroic action undertaken by the elderly members of the church.

Thoughts on Roe vs. Wade

Since the leak of the Supreme Court draft document that would overturn Roe vs. Wade, many of us have been riding a wave of shock, a shock that momentarily silenced me. I seem constitutionally built in such a way that I not only “see” multiple perspectives, but very often also feel the moral dimensions of complicated issues.

Advice for Life

I recently received an email from the journalist Bari Weiss that included helpful advice on living, penned by Kevin Kelly in honor of his 70th birthday. Some of the advice was both humorous and true: “Don’t keep making the same mistakes; try to make new mistakes.” In other words, take chances in life and learn from them.

Keep the Home Fires Burning

This will be my last Oasis Song until I return from sabbatical. It got me thinking. There are many ways to say bon voyage to someone about to depart on a journey: Godspeed, have a good trip, an easy flight, happy landing, hasta la vista, and so on.

After Colleyville

Earlier this week, a parent contacted me. The person’s children wanted to know if it was still safe to go to synagogue. It’s heartbreaking and understandable that people would be worried after last week’s hostage situation at Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas. Watching events unfold in real-time brought up many different emotions. Horror, outrage, fear, sadness, or even numb resignation. Few of us felt all these emotions, but most of us experienced at least one.

Understanding Two Types of Inclusion

As I see it, there are two primary types of inclusion. One is a basic requirement of a democracy and is fundamental to the national identity. The other form of inclusion furthers a specific mission. Both types of inclusion can be valuable, but since they have different goals, it is important to distinguish between the two.