Event Calendar

All Day

Morning Minyan Chol HaMoed Sukkot Service

Zidell Chapel

Chag Sameach! Morning Minyan meets in the Zidell Chapel Sunday-Friday. We also have the option of joining the minyan online. Click here to log in. Please email Priscilla Kostiner for further information: lamalo@comcast.net Use the book: Siddur Sim Shalom Shacharit Weekdays Click here for the list of pages used in the service Please click here for a short video about how to turn down your mic volume in Zoom.

Foundation School Family Dinner

Holzman Plaza 2900 SW Peaceful Ln., Portland

Monday, October 21, 5:00pm Spend time with your child’s teachers and other families! RSVP: crothstein@nevehshalom.org