How often do you take the time to take a step back, zoom out, and just marvel at a moment in time? What about a project or event? When I officiate at a wedding I often ask the couple as they stand under the chuppah to turn around and look at the faces of everyone who has come to hold them in their celebration. I do this so that everyone in the space can be present and purposefully take in the joy and connection of this moment.

So often we all struggle to look beyond the myriad of trees to see the entire forest. We only see the minute details and forget to pause and take a beat to really live in those special moments.
As we read Bereshit, the creation story, God’s reaction to each act of creation serves as a reminder to pause and marvel at moments. After each part of creation, the text teaches us that God “saw that it was good.” This action models presence and gratitude in a way we might not be accustomed to.
And, there happens to be a blessing for it:Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha’olam, hatov v’ha’meitiv.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Presider of the Universe, the one who is good and makes good.
May we practice being present and sharing in these moments of goodness.